

Engaging in Activism

Engaging in Activism

Image titled Help Save the Environment Step 53
  1. 1
    Contact your government officials to ask for their support. Call or email your congressional representatives and local officials. Ask them to support environmental conservation and renewable energy, and to create and support policies that hold companies accountable.[33]
  2. 2
    Donate to an environmental cause if you have extra money to give. There are hundreds of organizations that are dedicated to working on environmental issues. Find one whose mission and vision you support and donate money to help them achieve their goals.[34]
    • Some donations to nonprofit organizations are tax-deductible. Ask for a receipt so you can be prepared to deduct the donation on your taxes if it’s allowable.
  3. 3
    Join an environmental organization if you want to be involved. Choose an organization that works to save and protect the environment. Check out Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, or the Environmental Defense Fund for starters. You can join an organization with a general focus on the environment, or one that supports a specific area.[35]
    • If your interest is mainly in water conservation, check out WATERisLIFE or Charity:Water.
    • If air quality is a top concern for you, look into joining Clean Air Task Force or Earthjustice.
  4. 4
    Volunteer your time to help promote a better environment. You can help by picking up litter, fixing bikes, planting trees and gardens, cleaning up rivers, and educating others. Find an activity that suits your interests and set aside some time to go and help out.[36]
    • Volunteer with a group of friends, a class, church group, etc. If coordinating a volunteer effort isn’t your thing, do it on your own!

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